Spiritual Growth

How To Truly Worship During Praise and Worship

You might have found yourself singing a worship chorus at church and realized your mind was completely elsewhere.

For me, the playback in my mind goes something like this:

Is my grocery pick up ready yet?

Did I turn the oven off?

Oh no I completely forgot the kid’s school project for tomorrow!

  Oh wait, I’m at church…uhhh what are the words to this song again?

How To Truly Worship During Praise and Worship

It’s easy to get distracted during worship and think about all of the things that need to be done. Life is busy and overwhelming sometimes.

Here are some tips to help keep your mind on worshiping God during a praise/worship set at church.

1. Give Yourself Grace

Give yourself grace when you realize your mind is not on worship and on other things instead. It’s completely normal and happens to all of us–even the most “devout” Christians. The enemy likes to keep us from worshipping the one true God–give yourself grace in these moments when you catch your mind drifting on into your to do list or the list of restaurants you would like to go to for lunch.

2. Evaluate the Lyrics–Is The Song Being Sung a True Worship Song?

Worship is giving your adoration and reverence to something. Of course, you can worship God in many ways other than singing. For Christians in the modern day church, worship is typically thought of as a time where musicians lead the congregation in singing songs that proclaim the goodness of Christ.

If during praise and worship at your church –the lyrics of the song being sung are not actively praising Jesus for who he is and what he has done, then maybe you could begin to silently or quietly whisper your own words of worship to Christ, instead.

Often, congregations sing songs with positive messages about their walk with God, about the faith, but not about the holiness or beauty of God. There is nothing wrong with singing these types of songs, but if you find yourself having a hard time worshiping, evaluate the lyrics of the song–maybe it’s not a “worship” song after all.

When I have found myself in these situations, I will quietly utter praise to God under my breathe, and completely disregard the lyrics being sung. I will go into a time of prayer at my seat, and pray for the many needs of those around me.

You can worship God for who is He is–no matter what the choir or worship leaders are singing..

3. Control Your Thoughts to Focus On Christ

This is the biggest struggle when it comes to truly worshipping during praise and worship. Sometimes, you just can’t focus.

No matter what is going on in your life, what needs to be done– all of it can wait.

Set this time aside to just be with Jesus. There is a quote that I love and it says, “Wherever you are, be there.” This directly applies to mindset during praise and worship. Take this time to praise Jesus for who he is and what he has done. He paid the ultimate price for you, he deserves all your affection and attention.

4. Do Not Let Your Mind Wonder

When you find your mind wondering, put your focus back on Jesus. I have had to do this again, and again, and again, on the first verse of a song. But I don’t give up. I continue to put my thoughts and my focus on Jesus.

5. Offer A Sacrifice of Praise

The Bible says we are to offer up a sacrifice of praise. Everything may be falling apart in the world around you, but God never waivers. Even if you don’t feel like praising, do it anyway. That is why it is called a sacrifice of praise.

 Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that openly profess his name.

Hebrews 13:15

Don’t Like The Song During Worship?

Get over it. One of my pastors use to always say, “It ain’t about the song!

He’s right, it’s not about the song, the style of music, or the instrumentation.

If you don’t like the song that’s okay. You don’t have to, nor will you, like every song that your congregation sings.

You are entitled to your opinion as well as your musical preferences.

However, it is important to let go of the fact it’s not your favorite song, and let your heart and your mind worship.

Think about Christ. Reflect on what he did on the cross. Tune out the music.

Close your eyes, and praise him for who he is.

It ain’t about the song.

Worship In Your Own Way

I was raised Pentecostal charismatic and let’s just say I have seen it all during a worship setting.

Dancing, the raising of hands, screaming, shouting, clapping, even flags being waved. I’ve seen people fall on their face in reverence of Christ and I’ve seen people worship silently in their seat.

However you want to worship, is true worship. You don’t have to raise your hands or dance to be worshipping God.

I’ve been in church settings where preachers have said, “those of you aren’t raising your hands aren’t worshipping right now.” 😳

As someone who was worshipping in my own way during that moment, I was hurt by what the preacher had said.

I had church leaders in my past tell me that because did not have a consistent smile on my face as I played the piano —that I did not need to be a worship leader. Wow.

Don’t be afraid of what anyone thinks of you. If you want to dance, dance. If you want to close your eyes and pray silently in your heart, then do that.

Thank Jesus For Who He Is

Worship is the act of praising God for who he is.

The enemy doesn’t want you to worship. He will do everything he can to stop you from worshipping. Because worship is a powerful thing.

When you worship God, you are led into the presence of Jesus.

A place of peace and a place where you can ever-so-slightly have a glimpse of eternity with him.

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