Bible Studies

Lessons On Purity For Your Daughter

Purity is a topic young woman (and young men) need to be taught. As a mom of girls myself, I hope one day these lessons are taught to my daughters as well.

1. Teach Your Daughter Modesty & Self Respect

We need to teach the young women of the next generation how to dress modestly. The truth is, many young girls have not been taught.

I’m not saying that teenagers can’t wear shorts or tank-tops, but there’s a certain level of respect/dress that should be in place. I’m also all for a two piece at the beach– but there is a difference between a respectful two piece and one that reveals everything.

2. Teach Your Daughter Purity of the Mind

If you’re a millennial who grew up in the church, and you hear the word purity, you probably think of “saving yourself for marriage.”

But “purity” is so much more than that.

Have you ever thought to teach your daughter purity of the mind? What does that look like?

Teach your daughters to be careful to what music they listen to, what television shows they watch, who they hang out with. Are their friends/guy friends making dirty jokes? Then it’s time to step away.

An old song says it best,

O be careful little eyes what you see.

O be careful little ears what you hear.

3. Teach Your Daughter about Christian Marriage

I believe we should teach our daughters that intimacy between a man and a woman was made and designed for marriage and that there are very real dangers of participating in this outside of marriage.

Allow them to read The Song of Solomon and Ephesians Ch 5. Tell them and show them what a good Christian marriage looks like!

4. Teach Your Daughter that She is Wonderfully Made

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
    your works are wonderful,
    I know that full well.

Psalm 139:14

Psalm 139:14

A young woman needs to believe that she is beautiful, not because a boy tells her she is, but because God made her. If our daughter’s could grasp this concept as they become young women, it would save them a lot of heartache.

I don’t want my daughter to believe she is beautiful because some guy tells her she is.

I want her to know she is beautiful because she was created by the living God.

5. Teach Your Daughter Her Worth is Found in God

The Lord your God is with you,
    the Mighty Warrior who saves.
He will take great delight in you;
    in his love he will no longer rebuke you,
    but will rejoice over you with singing.

Zephaniah 3:17

Zephaniah 3:17

This is a beautiful bible verse about God’s love! God is with your daughter, he takes delight in your daughter, he loves your daughter, and he is singing over her!

Imagine if your daughter soaked up so much of God’s love, that they no longer worried about their body image.

Imagine if she no longer wanted to hang out with that group of friends who had perverse things to say.

This is purity!

Your daughter is worthy of love…. God’s love.

In summary, these lessons on purity for your daughter can be taught throughout her lifetime.

Finally, consider teaching a class at your church to instill these values in young women. Never assume that teen girls just “know this stuff.”

They don’t. Lessons on purity for your daughter need to be taught!

7 thoughts on “Lessons On Purity For Your Daughter

  1. What do you advocate for boys to be taught? All this pressure always on girls and women, if boys and men treated girls and women with respect it would also go a long way. But there is always the defence of so called locker room talk, leering and other crass and crude behaviour referring to “how guys just can’t control themselves”. Are they animals or just badly brought up by a permissive society that always only blames women and outs all responsibility on women…. I am in favour of modesty but I am also tired of all of the crap about good girls when we should be reflecting on good youth to ensure that we have a good future.

    1. This particular post was just geared towards young women. I 100 percent agree that young men need to be taught the same thing. I don’t believe locker room talk is okay by any means, and I don’t believe young men are animals. Just because this post was geared toward girls, doesn’t mean I believe young men shouldn’t be held accountable. I don’t have a son, so in my personal life, I am more thinking about what I would want my daughter to know. But perhaps I should write one geared towards young men! I just don’t know what it’s like to be a man 🤷🏼‍♀️

  2. As a momma who was raised in the purity culture of just say no and sex is dirty, I’m trying to raise my daughter to respect what God says about sex and marriage and see how He beautifully designed intimacy to be joyful and safe when we save it for marriage without making her ashamed for having sexual thoughts and feelings. Thank you for sharing some simple ideas any mom can use. Honestly, I think that boys need these lessons as well. Tweeted and Pinned!

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